The Best Times – APAP Program Reflection by Twinny

The youth program A Place at the Park (APAP) is a summer internship opportunity for youth that partners with college mentors from another program: In My Backyard (IMBY) and entailed many aspects and subject matter relating to the National Park Service.

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Reflecting by Eliana

I’ve spent the past ten weeks as an intern for A Place At The Park, in which I got to do so many amazing things and meet many incredible individuals. At the first few meetings, I was a little nervous since I’m pretty shy and didn’t know anyone else in the program. But fast forward to now, I can say without a doubt that this internship has been the highlight of my summer.

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Identity by Francisco

Hello! I would like to talk to you about my culture and community. Well to get started, in my culture there are many things: for example, we party and people dance a lot. Everyone has fun most of the time, but the only bad thing is that at the end we have to clean and its usually around 3 am that we finish cleaning.

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Does Your Name Mean Anything?

Yes, yes it actually does mean something. My name is Twinny. I get compliments about how my name is different, unique and cute. I don’t know exactly how to react to this statement considering the thoughts I have on the story behind it. Sometimes I want to change my name to a more generic name but most times I like how my name is different.

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