Identity: Why I Storytell

“Who are you? What is your story?” If you were to ask me this question a few years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to give you an answer. A part of me would have felt that my story wasn’t important enough to share. Another part of me wouldn’t have known what to tell you. It’s a question that I’m still trying to answer and claim for myself.  Identity regarding my ethnic background has been one of the more confusing topics that I’ve struggled to explain. “Confusing” not in the sense that I don’t know my ethnic background. It was confusing trying to understand how I fit into that identity.

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Reflecting by Eliana

I’ve spent the past ten weeks as an intern for A Place At The Park, in which I got to do so many amazing things and meet many incredible individuals. At the first few meetings, I was a little nervous since I’m pretty shy and didn’t know anyone else in the program. But fast forward to now, I can say without a doubt that this internship has been the highlight of my summer.

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Opportunities for Youth at Olympic National Park and Transportation


Sol Duc Falls

After getting an early start on the third day of our Olympic National Park trip, we headed to the Olympic National Park Visitor Center to meet with Dean Butterworth, the Outreach and Education Specialist at Olympic National Park. Believe it or not, Dean started as a 
volunteer at Golden Gate National Recreation Area in 1998. He eventually made his was way to Olympic in 2008. Dean clearly enjoys engaging with youth and he had a lot to say about the opportunities for youth in the area.

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In the Shadow of the Mountain: Mount Rainier


For most perceptive Seattleites, Mount Rainier is a familiar sight. On a clear day the picturesque mountain graces our views. Mount Rainier National Park is a fabulous location for day hikes. Some of the In My Backyard team members went there for a day of hiking and research. There are several visitor centers at the park that serve as good starting points for hikes. We went to the Sunrise Visitor Center for our trip, but the Paradise Visitor Center is also a great location to begin a hike. Both of these visitor centers are starting points for many hiking trails that range in difficulty. Some of the hikes are super easy (even for me) and some of them are more challenging. At Sunrise, many of the hikes intersect so you can jump from hike to hike if you want to go to multiple locations.

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SAM: That’s My Jam.


After grabbing some delicious coffee and breakfast at Caffe Ladro, the In My Backyard team made their way to the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). I say the In My Backyard team because almost all of the team member went, instead of just the interns. This was our first museum trip with so large of a crew and it was to get to see everyone and have fun together. When entering the SAM, the first thing that you will notice is the white cars, filled with exciting light fixtures, hanging from the ceiling. The fixture is quite the spectacle.

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