John Muir National Historic Site with Vinay

John Muir lived in a time before national parks existed. His mission was to let everyone experience nature for themselves. I chose John Muir’s National Historic Site because I was interested in his work and inspired by how he convinced the U.S government to create the first national parks in the country. 

The John Muir national historic site houses places of importance to John Muir. The grounds include Muir’s house, orchards and grave site. The goal of this site is to share Muir’s legacy, influence, beliefs and actions. He thought of nature as a home for everything and everyone, and that it is important to preserve one’s home. He was a spiritual person who found God in nature and believed learning about nature helped to learn about God. As a result of his beliefs and activism, Muir convinced the government to protect lands as national parks. His actions started a snowball effect for more and more national parks to be created around the country. Today there are more than 400 national parks and millions visiting. John Muir’s dream is still alive over 100 years later! Americans and visitors need to hear and see what John Muir has done for them. 

I created a poster showing John Muir’s accomplishments as a conservationist and naturalist. Muir’s writings persuaded the U.S government to establish Sequoia, Yosemite, The Grand Canyon and Mt. Rainier as national parks. My poster shows pictures of the 4 parks that he helped to establish as well as his words. This quote expresses his passion in life. It is no wonder that people call Muir the “Father of the National Park Service!” 

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